#7: Tradition… Tradition!

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years make the end of the calendar top heavy with holidays.  With that comes a multitude of traditions and rituals that are part of what we consider the “holiday” season. Traditions serve as a touchstone. Things that we do together that remind us of our commonality, a shortcut to a thought and feeling space that […]

Aside: Drills

I normally love hearing all about your day. You chatter animatedly about everything you’ve done in your classroom with very little prodding. I know that this font of information will dry up very soon and I’ll have to reach in and pull it out, so I try to appreciate it while I can. The other […]

Aside : Football

Over the last couple of years you’ve noticed that on certain Sundays when the days start to get shorter Daddy will spend a couple of hours occasionally on the couch watching a game. Not every Sunday and not all the time, but often enough for you to get curious. “Football” it’s called. You don’t really […]

#49: Be Thankful

“What do you say?” We would ask you chidingly, whenever anyone gave you something. “Thank you,” you’d say dutifully, eyes downward, waiting anxiously to play with whatever toy/book/food object that you were given. You’d say it (often after already grabbing whatever it was that was offered to you), and you’d scamper off. As you got […]